Experience the thrill of becoming a franchise owner for a match or series and compete with your friends.
How does it work?
Create/Join Auction
Admin creates a contest and invites other franchise owners to join it. Admin decides a time to start the auction.
Bid Players
On auction start, all franchisee owners can bid for players they like and create their own team.
Franchise owners will be ranked based on the points they accumulate from the performance of their players in each match.
How to Play Series Auction Contest
FAQ’s Series
  • What is a Series Cricket Auction?
  • What is open auction mode and sealed auction mode?
  • How does the open auction process work?
  • How are sealed auctions conducted?
  • Can franchisee owners change their teams after the initial auction?
  • What happens if multiple franchises submit identical bids in a Sealed Auction?
  • How are points awarded?
  • How often are points updated?
  • When will I get points for a player I acquired in an auction?
  • Is there a limit to the number of players a franchisee can have?
  • How to create an Auction contest?
  • How to join an Auction contest?
  • What happens if a player gets injured during the season?
  • Are there any rewards or prizes for the winners?
How to Play Match Auction Contest
FAQ’s Match
  • What is Cricket Auction?
  • How does the auction process work?
  • How are points awarded?
  • Can franchisee owners change their teams after the initial auction?
  • Is there a limit to the number of players a franchisee can have?
  • How often are points updated?
  • How to create an Auction contest?
  • How to join an Auction contest?
  • What are Fanspole coins?
  • How to get Fanspole coins?
  • What happens if a player gets injured during the match?
  • Are there any rewards or prizes for the winners?

Disclaimer: All Images and Content used on Fanspole is either created or taken from open sources. If anyone has any objection or has rights related to site content, please contact us on admin@fanspole.comThe Company hereby states and confirms that the Service is not affiliated in any way to and claims no association, in any capacity whatsoever, with the (i) International Cricket Council ("ICC") or any national cricket board or team, (ii) Board of Control for Cricket in India ("BCCI"), the Indian Premier League ("IPL") or any IPL franchises, or (iii) any other domestic cricket tournament/league, or tournament franchise/team. (iv) any international cricket tournament/league or tournament franchise/team including Cricket Australia ("CA"), Big Bash League ("BBL") and others.The Company acknowledges that the ICC, BCCI/IPL and its franchises, respective national cricket boards, domestic tournament organisers and franchises/teams/players, respectively, own all proprietary names and marks and image rights relating to the relevant tournament or competition.